Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1283: The Same Thing Again

I’m sitting here and I’ve realised that the songs I was gonna crap on about might be too long for the task right now, so I’m just sitting here and hoping that I can get through the next photo gig. Looking forward to it, but not enough sleep after last night’s one.

That’s all I have. I have nothing else to say and it hurts as I want to be productive but once more fatigue has reared its tired head and I am beholden to its whims, of which there are few, if any, so maybe it’s more like a whim, and by that I mean maybe it’s more like one task that was planned out years and years and years ago and so there’s little else I can do about the whole thing, but such is life. Such is the way of the cookie that crumbles as you hold it aloft in the hopes that it gets into your gullet before it gets onto the ground.

This weekend will be a long one, but I will get there. I will make it to the end and once I make it to the end I will be able to declare myself as having made it to the end of the weekend and that will be something. That will be a thing that I can consider myself as being a completer of, and that completion is the making it from one end of the weekend to the other. Until then I have to live it but that’s okay. It is okay to be alive and go from one spot to another and do all the things and… yeah. You get the idea.

So now I’m here and I’m trying to work out if there is anything with meaning within me that I can express in a way that reaches out and touches you as you are reading this, but I’m between gigs and last night’s was good, and so will be the next one. They are challenges and they present themselves as such and they are fun to tackle. It is learning by doing and you think about all that and then get on with your day with what hopefully is a refined set of skills. If not refined, then at least developed in some manner.

Just need to get past sleep and make it to the end of the weekend and I’m saying the same thing again so what am I doing by saying all of this?

Not much, really.

There is little to say but I’m getting there and I’ll get through it all in the end, and I’ll have learned something and I’ll have thought about what it is that I am doing and hopefully be better the next photo gig I do. That’s what I hope. Of course I could be worse but… actually, maybe that’s a legitimate plan of attack, somehow. Maybe I should work on being worse.

But how to get better at being worse?

The time it took to write five-hundred words: 05:56:78

I wrote this this morning, just getting to sharing it now.
I think some of this is okay, but there’s a lot of waste.

Written at home.

About Stupidity Hole

I'm some guy that does stuff. Hoping to one day fill the internet with enough insane ramblings to impress a cannibal rat ship. I do more than I probably should. I have a page called MS Paint Masterpieces that you may be interested in checking out. I also co-run Culture Eater, an online zine for covering the arts among other things. We're on Patreon!
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