A Quiet Space Between Lights

This is a photo I want to retake with a tripod so I can get something a bit sharper and a bit less reliant on me pushing shade levels during processing. I like the stillness and, despite the heavy clouds, sense of quiet that comes through, but I feel the dark renders too much of the photo flat.

Does give a sense of an isolated space, however, and that’s something I like.

This is my submission into the two hundred-and-eighty-fourth Lens-Artists Photo Challenge. The theme for this one is “Day & Night“.

This image is a bit of a cheat as, due to the conditions it was taken in, it’s not necessarily night or day. Could be somewhere in the middle, could be either.

As to which is my favourite, I’m not sure. Covering both day and night have their appeals it’s going to come down to what I want to do. I do know that I’m more likely to do long exposures at night, but I don’t like it more for that.

Certainly shoot more gigs at night.

The host of the Lens-Artists challenges cycles weekly between the following people:



Ann-Christine aka Leya

John Steiner

Sofia Alves

Anne Sandler




Sofia is curating this one. Next week Egídio is curating, and his theme, having been announced in advance, will be “Warm Colours”.

I recommend participating in the challenges as they provide a fun way to interpret theme. If not participating, then at least you should still check out what others of the Lens-Artists community are submitting.

I hope you enjoy.

About Stupidity Hole

I'm some guy that does stuff. Hoping to one day fill the internet with enough insane ramblings to impress a cannibal rat ship. I do more than I probably should. I have a page called MS Paint Masterpieces that you may be interested in checking out. I also co-run Culture Eater, an online zine for covering the arts among other things. We're on Patreon!
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6 Responses to A Quiet Space Between Lights

  1. It is moody, and night can be felt, even if you cheated.


  2. Sofia Alves says:

    It’s the kind of photo I love. There’s a lot that I can imagine, a story that can be told.


  3. Wind Kisses says:

    Mystical to me. And isolated indeed. Thanks SH, always nice to see what you come up with.


  4. Tina Schell says:

    Rather spooky SH! Effective use of the darkness.


  5. Egídio says:

    SH, first off, thanks for correcting my name’s spelling. You even went through the hassle of adding the accent mark—much gratitude. Your night photo here is beautiful and eerie. It’s fascinating!


  6. What a moody capture!


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