Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1348: The Timer Starts

The timer starts and I’m tired and I’m racing against it so I can get something out and then get on with the rest of my life. Seems like a cynical way to start these things, but… it kind of is, so let us pretend that this isn’t going to be cynical.

I hope it’s not going to be cynical, at least.

Fatigue rears its head but I try to laugh. I laugh in a low rumble that’s more of a grumble and I get back on with my day. Still got quite a few hours to be awake and I’m not too excited about that, but that’s the way things go and so this is just what I have to deal with in this particular instance. Something tells me I’ll be fine. I’d be a bit surprised if I wasn’t.

It will make covering tonight’s gig a bit more difficult than I’d like, but that’s what I need to work with and work with it is what I will do. I will also keep on going and keep on writing as I want to keep writing this, but the time it will take to do this will be not enough to fill the time between now and the time that I’ll be leaving.

There are some motors that are audible right now, or at least they were. They roared with a buzz as they drove off, and that’s all there is to say about that so I’m just going to get on with the getting on and all that other stuff that I say.

Will I get under five minutes? I don’t know, but what I do know is that once more I’ll be trying my best tonight. I will do what I can to get the best photos that I can and I’ll go from there. I’ll head on home and once I get home I’ll rest so I can wake up in the morning and then when I wake up in the morning I’ll take care of other things and all that fancy pants stuff that makes me sound awesome, or something.

So now I need to keep on writing this and I’m hoping that I’m ahead of the clock. I don’t actually know if I am but I don’t want to stop to check. I just need to keep on going. My hand is holding up and so if I can do this, I can then do that and I can do some other things too, and that’s something to look forward to. Or it isn’t. Who is to say?

So anyway, I think I’m nearly there and perhaps my hand and my wrist is improving. Perhaps it has taken far too long, but now it’s happening and finally, FINALLY I will be able to return to some sort of fuller mobility with far less pain.

That’s the dream, but before that I need to finish this and then do some other things before tonight’s gig.

The time it took to write five-hundred words: 04:50:18

I wrote this as I wanted to see if I could get this done before the song I was listening to ended, and I was successful, so… yeah.

Written at home.

About Stupidity Hole

I'm some guy that does stuff. Hoping to one day fill the internet with enough insane ramblings to impress a cannibal rat ship. I do more than I probably should. I have a page called MS Paint Masterpieces that you may be interested in checking out. I also co-run Culture Eater, an online zine for covering the arts among other things. We're on Patreon!
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