Tag Archives: Home

Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1324: Pull of Desire

Oh god it’s morning and here I go with the rambling, though in truth what I’m doing right now is preparing to mash out a review that I can get up today as it’s a few weeks overdue and all … Continue reading

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A Poem About Chicken

I went for a walk this afternoon and I saw a bird escaping some mynas. It rested under a tree and so I sat near it for a while as I wanted to make sure the mynas left. I found … Continue reading

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Leaving a House Behind

On the fourteenth of June 2023 I moved out of my previous place. I’ve touched on the details as to why here and there and I’m probably going to repeat a fair bit of it here. At the end of … Continue reading

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One Thousand Word Challenge 203: Some Rambling About Cycling

Yesterday I went for a cycle for the first time in a good few months and when I got back I felt like writing but I didn’t because other things needed doing. Now I’m sort of writing about it, or … Continue reading

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HOME: Intro

I’d sort of planned to do two of HOME’s songs. This one I tried to go mostly for imagery as I felt it would be better but instead I came up with vague deceleration of emotion among some description. I … Continue reading

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HOME: Sleep

One listen and I thought I’d be fine going into this, but this was a struggle. I should have gone more with imagery and just been free in my writing but that did not happen. I think the result is … Continue reading

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Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1152: I Sit Here and Ramble

Another day of thinking and another day of looking toward an uncertain future full of likelihoods and probabilities. I sit here and I feel as though I slip into my own dreams. Maybe I will end up in my own … Continue reading

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Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1128: Should be Doing Things

The clouds are threatening today. Meant to have started raining earlier but it never happened, but maybe it will happen soon. It gives me an excuse to be lazy and that’s probably a bad thing, but I am lazy and … Continue reading

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Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1126: In a Space

Currently I am in a space that I thought I’d never return to, or at least do everything in my power to avoid returning to. The interesting thing (if you could even call it interesting) is that I’m here of … Continue reading

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Masanori Hikichi and Miyoko Kobayashi: The Way Home

This was written over two listens. The second had a fair bit of pausing which was unnecessary as it was nothing a third listen couldn’t have helped with. I mostly wanted to focus on describing the song rather than getting … Continue reading

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