A Poem About an Object on a Journey

I had an idea about writing about an object falling off something and hitting the ground a few days ago but I didn’t get around to doing anything until now.

I’m not sure if this gets enough of that idea across, but I like the imagery.

I hope you enjoy.

Almost steadily placed
Or that is how it would seem
Soon on a journey
It shall embark

Idle chatter
Belies a mistake
And soon to the air
It moves within

Toward a surface
It must approach
Through no choice it made
It’s conclusion seems set

Much faster than expected
It meets the surface
And through contact
It breaks itself

About Stupidity Hole

I'm some guy that does stuff. Hoping to one day fill the internet with enough insane ramblings to impress a cannibal rat ship. I do more than I probably should. I have a page called MS Paint Masterpieces that you may be interested in checking out. I also co-run Culture Eater, an online zine for covering the arts among other things. We're on Patreon!
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