Tag Archives: final

Final: Light Underground/Dark Overground

The first part of this song is a bit of music I like quite a lot; the second part not so much. I think the whole piece works best listened to as a whole rather than only one part or … Continue reading

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One listen for this one. I planned to write about this song a couple of days ago but I was too tired at the time. Then planned to write about it yesterday, but the same thing. I think not doing … Continue reading

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Final: I Am the Dirt Under Your Fingernails

I started this in December, I think. It may have been late February, but I’m pretty sure it was December, toward the end of the month. Regardless, I finished editing the review today. I started editing it last week and … Continue reading

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Final: Dead Air

With this one I tried to focus on imagery. It’s a song I’ve listened to quite a lot and so I feel that, among other reasons, describing what is going on in the song isn’t something I’d do well. The … Continue reading

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Final: Critical Thresholds

I was a little looser when I wrote this and it helped a bit. A slight bit of stumbling but otherwise it was a smooth writing process. Toward the song’s end I started thinking about how there may be a … Continue reading

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Final: It Comes To Us All

I started this one shortly after the previous review and finished a rough draft pretty quickly. In a sense not much changed from that draft to the below, but there was a bit of rewriting to make sure things made … Continue reading

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Final: Expect Nothing and the Kingdom Will be Yours

This one was easy to finish but I don’t think I say enough with what I wrote. Not sure. Anyway, I got an idea of the album across and that’s enough as far as baselines go, but I certainly could’ve … Continue reading

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Cave In: Final Transmission Review

This review took longer to write than I thought it would. I spent a fair bit of time thinking about how much Caleb Scofield’s passing affected how I was hearing the album and thus unfairly viewing it. I’m note entirely … Continue reading

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