Tag Archives: hitoshi sakimoto

Hitoshi Sakimoto: Small Departure

I just threw myself into this and I think the result here is verbose. I tried to draw from the scene I remember this song playing in and went from there, but now that I think about it I could … Continue reading

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Hitoshi Sakimoto: Kind Friends

Two listens for this one. Once more just trying to capture the song. Don’t think I did the best job. I think this would’ve worked better had I allowed more listens and not rushed, but that’s not the aim here. … Continue reading

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Hitoshi Sakimoto: The Middle Layer Area

One listen for this one. I decided to write about this song a while ago and then put it to the side. I think I did that as I’m really familiar with the song. Really I shouldn’t have as familiarity … Continue reading

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Hitoshi Sakimoto: Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter – Opening Animation

Three listens for this one. This is a brief song and so the writing reflects that. However, I feel that perhaps I could’ve written more. I didn’t aim to capture anything in particular, but in saying that I feel as … Continue reading

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