Monthly Archives: January 2024

Long Wing, Short Wing

Perspective really can be fun. I wasn’t thinking too much about using this photo due to how the wings appear, but I think it’s worth sharing anyway. It’s a pretty standard photo, but I really like how the perspective affects … Continue reading

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Cleft Through the Valley

When I took this photo I just wanted to capture the scene, When I look at it now I can see that I captured the breadth of the space quite well. Perhaps there’s a bit of drama in this photo, … Continue reading

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Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1339: A Spraying of Words

Still ill, but improving quickly. That’s a good thing. I have some slight time before I need to get into what constitutes the gritty and the nitty so I’m just trying to mash something out. Doesn’t work too well most … Continue reading

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A Quiet Space Between Lights

This is a photo I want to retake with a tripod so I can get something a bit sharper and a bit less reliant on me pushing shade levels during processing. I like the stillness and, despite the heavy clouds, … Continue reading

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Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1338: Getting There

Still dealing with Covid and it’s still awful in many ways, but I’m upright and I’m alert and my hands are still moving so it can’t be all bad. Can’t be all good, but also not all bad. That said, … Continue reading

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Captured Moving

This is a photo that could’ve been so much better, but I’m still happy with the result. I don’t think this went up into the Culture Eater gallery for Peach Pit’s show as there are better photos, but I still think … Continue reading

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An Enthusiastic Audience

I’ve been meaning to share this for a while. This is a photo of the audience at Peach Pit’s gig at The Metro. I like how they look here. It seems as though they’re spilling forth from somewhere out of … Continue reading

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Sequin in Motion

Same bit of sequin fabric as this one. I took this shortly after. Thought it would be interesting to see how this would look in motion. I think some parts of this have a nice contrast between stillness and motion, … Continue reading

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Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1337: Covid Once Again

Covid once again. Round two. Going to see if I get through this. Hoping for the best of course, but I’m unsure. It’s getting worse but I’m taking it a day at a time. Best I can do, really. The … Continue reading

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Microphone Moment

There’s something about this photo that I find interesting. Not entirely sure what it is, but there’s kind of a sense of filth to it, I think. Beyond that, I think it’s great that the photo is as sharp as … Continue reading

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