Five-Hundred Word Challenge 1376: Floats Away

Another evening floats on away into a distance that is difficult to perceive. It’s there, but it’s long away. It’s beyond reach, or something. I don’t know. Something along those lines.

I wonder about wandering, and I wonder about how soon until I sleep. I’m waiting for a battery to charge. Very exciting. It’s what’s happening right now.

Maybe the battery will finish charging sooner rather than later. I hope that it does. I want to sleep. I want to rest. I want to find my way under the sheets and I want to sleep soundly, and let a calm wash over me. I want to feel the heaviness and I want to feel myself drift off into dreams of various pleasantries, but I fear I will be waiting for a while.

Maybe I won’t. Maybe the battery will be fully charged sooner rather than later. Maybe that will happen and then I can sleep, and I can drift away and float along and become like the flow of time. I can become imperceptible until focused upon, and I can become infinite and finite at the same time, and I can become stretched eternally and fill everything.

Maybe I’m thinking beyond anything that is necessary. What is necessary is my need for sleep, and what I need to do is get some sleep. I need to rest so I can wake up tomorrow and feel rested. I need to rest so I can continue on and push through various forms of fatigue and pain, and so I can take some photos. I don’t want to take too many photos; just some. Some will suffice… but for how long? Will some be enough? Will some be enough to match my heavy dreams that I will have when I go to sleep?

What if my dreams lack that heaviness? What if my sleep is fitful and I do not feel rested in the morning? What am I to do then? I don’t know, but I imagine it will be something along the lines of accepting my poor sleep and getting on with the day. But I don’t want to. I would rather rebel against the idea.

The only way to do so, really, is to have a nice sleep. That way I can then feel rested in the morning where I will move through time and space and become as eternal as I would be limited, and I can take some photos and then go from there. The photos will form a narrative surrounding structures and all those things that are as exciting as they are dull, and I will get on with whatever it is that I need to get on with.

I will eventually find my way home, and it will be a trek but I’ll get there. I’ll get there one way or the other, and through that journey I will stare into nothingness and wonder about how much of my thoughts are full, and how much are empty.

The time it took to write five-hundred words: 06:57:62

So I hurt my foot earlier today. Strained something. Sucks.

Anyway, this bit of writing feels a bit too scattered. Not sure if it is, or is not.

Written at home.

About Stupidity Hole

I'm some guy that does stuff. Hoping to one day fill the internet with enough insane ramblings to impress a cannibal rat ship. I do more than I probably should. I have a page called MS Paint Masterpieces that you may be interested in checking out. I also co-run Culture Eater, an online zine for covering the arts among other things. We're on Patreon!
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