Tag Archives: wood

Stephen King: Crooked Men From Hurricane Gully

Not the author. This was taken at last year’s Sculpture by the Sea. It probably would’ve been better to photograph the whole thing, but I wanted to take a section of it to focus on that particular bit. This feels … Continue reading

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Shipbreaking Ramp in Decay

During one of my recent wanderings around Sydney Olympic Park I took this photo. I think it was mostly due to being interested in how the ramp appeared. I think I was also trying to frame this in a particular … Continue reading

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One Thousand Word Challenge 201: A Rest at a Beach

There was a strong sense of relief once the beach was seen. The beach was a quiet one. It usually didn’t see many people on account of the best path not being the one that ran by it, and even … Continue reading

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Wire and Wood

Just a photo of some material being used to enable forms of convenience. I feel like in a way this looks cluttered until you look at the photo for a short bit, and I think that in part that has … Continue reading

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Weathered Wood

I was trying to get a particular angle when I took this photo. It didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped but I still like the result. There’s a sense of distance, though these bits of wood are close … Continue reading

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Vennart: In The Dead, Dead Wood

Here’s a review I started roughly four months ago for an album that came out roughly five months ago. I wrote the initial draft early on and then things slowed right down in January. I was quite tired at the … Continue reading

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One Thousand Word Challenge 114: Off the Rails

Alright, so I’m doing one of these again. There is no start and there is no end and it just goes on and on, but here is where I shall start the start and the end shall be at the … Continue reading

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Access Warning

This is part of the lower structure of a wharf of which I’ve photographed a few times. I wonder if this is to be kept clear at all times due to it being dangerous to walk on any part of … Continue reading

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Wooden Angles

A shot of a tree that has had part of it break off. I have a feeling that it likely broke due to heavy wind stress. Have no idea if that’s the case, but I feel as though it is. … Continue reading

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Ficus macrophylla

AKA Moreton Bay fig AKA Australian Banyan. I’ve been familiar with this tree for quite a long time, but the last time I saw it (before this shot) was roughly nine to ten years ago. Still the same tree and … Continue reading

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